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The original serial LCD117 was one of two boards that utilized a PIC chip running firmware developed by the late electrical engineer Peter Anderson (KZ3K), who taught in Baltimore, Maryland.
Peter made the firmware freely available before he passed away.
Both Brian Riley‘s K107 serial board and our LCD117 kit were based on these LCD117 chips.
We’ve sold several thousand of our through-hole serial LCD117 kits since we designed it in 2008, and received many orders for pre-assembled boards. Looking around the shop, most pre-assembled things are surface mount– it’s easier for everyone that way, as surface mount assembly is much cheaper. With that in mind, we created the SMD LCD117.
It receives TTL serial (optionally RS232) on one side and and drives an HD44780-compatible LCD, just as the older through-hole LCD117 kit did.
Solder on the included 3-pin and 16-pin headers and you’re ready to talk to any of our character displays, 3.3v or 5v.
We’ve also added an inverted logic mode, available via SMD solder jumper, for RS232 support.
Here’s how easy it is to use with Arduino– plug the RX line into your Arduino TX pin, and:
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // 9600 baud is chip comm speed
Serial.print("?G216"); // set display geometry, 2x16 in this case
delay(500); // pause to allow LCD EEPROM to program
void loop() {
//Serial.print(“?y0?x00”); // cursor to beginning of line 0
Serial.print(“?f”); //clear the screen
Serial.print(“hello world”);
delay(1000); // refresh every second
In this configuration, Arduino Serial.<thing> debug statements print straight to the display!
Oh, one more thing. In honour of the debut of the SMD version, we’re putting the old through-hole LCD117 kits on sale. $8, matching the new SMD boards, while supplies last.
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