New Products: A New Fluxamasynth, the Noisemusick Kit, and some art

Modern Device >>

newproducts1We have some new products to announce at Modern Device; the most exciting is the new version 3 of the Fluxamasynth Shield, a 64 voice polyphonic synthesizer for Arduino. We updated the synth to the new SAM2695 chip, much better filters, and a new microphone input. Check it out in the shop.


Another new feature is an optional 5-pin DIN thu jack and MIDI-compliant optoisolated connection (see variant above).


The Noisemusick Kit has been around since 2009 or so but recently received some improvements. It is a fun, chaotic square wave generator that is triggered by IR light and your skin’s resistance. It’s a good Learn To Solder project, only $25 in the Music/Sound/Noise section of the shop.

In the Merchandise section we’ve added two pieces of artwork: a bumper sticker from the OTPC project (to complement our theremin merit badge) and a four color silkscreen poster of an Arduino. More posters coming soon, since we have a silkscreen studio right next door!



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